Our Machines


Our machine simultaneously emits both radio frequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies. The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single gold standard procedure, for less time and less money.

*On average:

- 30% less fat   + 25% more muscle​




HIFEMS Pelvic Pro

Designed to target the Pelvic floor. The Pelvic Pro stimulates the deep muscles of the pelvic floor similar to performing Kegel exercises. Our Pelvic Pro stimulates approximately 11,000 contractions in just 30 minutes. These contractions are supramaximal which are very important for muscle re-education. Studies have shown 81% of participants had a significant reduction in their symptoms of incontinence after a course of 6 treatments.

Suitable for both Men and Women looking to improve bladder control and erectile function. Please note that this treatment is not suitable for individuals with bladder prolapses or who have recently given birth.




LED Therapy

Our LED Light can produce both Red Light (620 -625nm) and Yellow Light (590 - 595nm).

Both of these wave lengths have been clinically proven to be safe for all skin types, including darker complexions; working at a cellular level to improve the condition of your skin and reduce inflammation.

Our treatment runs simultaneously with any of our HIFEMS+RF bed treatments so it won’t add any time to your appointment.

The effects of LED PDT treatments are cumulative, meaning they will continue to improve long after the treatment has ended.

Click below to learn more about the amazing benefits of this non-invasive, pain-free treatment.

Coming Soon

Fat Cavitation